BounceBack 6-Week Postpartum PT Session
Jumpstart your postpartum recovery with your 6-week Postpartum PT Session
Service Description
Our pelvic floor and core can take a hit after giving birth, regardless of how you deliver. And especially when it’s your first baby, it can be hard to know what’s "normal" and what’s not. It can be even harder to know how to start exercising safely again. Eliminate all the guesswork—get a personalized set of exercises addressing your own specific needs, and get back to enjoying your new baby, all without leaving your home. Your BounceBack Postpartum Recovery Session includes: 👉 60 minute 1:1 virtual session with a licensed physical therapist 👉 Exercises to start rebuilding your pelvic floor muscle strength & support 👉 Screening for diastasis recti and exercises to safely restrengthen your abdominals 👉 Care instructions for managing C-section or perineal scar 👉 How to prepare for sex postpartum, and manage postpartum vaginal dryness 👉 Posture pointers to help lessen back, hip and/or shoulder pain 👉 Customized 6-Week Postpartum Exercise Program Whether you are 1 week postpartum or 1 year, a Recovery Session can help you navigate the changes that occur after pregnancy, and get you on your way to better pelvic health. Click on the "Book an Appointment" button below to schedule your virtual BounceBack Postpartum Recovery Session, and jumpstart your recovery after baby!