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Your Therapy, Your Way

Solve any musculoskeletal problem that's been nagging you and get on with life!

1 h
149 US dollars
Online Session

Service Description

Have a physical problem or challenge that is bothersome to you, but doesn't interfere with your daily routine? That often means your insurance company won't pay for you to get treatment. But that doesn't mean you can't have physical therapy! You run the shots for this session, not some insurance company. Bring any musculoskeletal symptom, problem or challenge to the table and we'll solve it together. Each Problem-Solving PT Wellness Session includes: *One 60-minute online coaching session with a licensed pelvic floor Physical Therapist, via a secure HIPAA-compliant video call *Detailed assessment of your current symptoms, complaints, challenges and abilities *Assistance in pinpointing your exact goals—what will improve in your life once this complaint is gone or better-managed? An important step to help you gauge your progress and stay motivated! *Customized exercises and treatment strategies to get you on the path to finally managing your complaint Don't let an insurance company dictate your access to physical therapy. If you have a musculoskeletal complaint big enough to get your attention, then you have a complaint worth treating. Click on the "Book an Appointment" button below to sign up for your first online Problem-Solving PT Wellness Session and let's solve that complaint, together.

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